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School holiday workshops at Scitech

Everything you need to know to book tickets to our upcoming school holiday workshops in April held at Scitech!

DC - Scitech + The KidsWorkshop Banner

The Kids Research Institute Australia Discovery Centre is excited to be hosting our upcoming school holiday workshops at Scitech!

Join us this April for workshop favourites such as ‘Poo and You’ and the ‘Power of Our Lungs’, and then continue the fun by exploring the interactive science space at Scitech. Delivered by actual The Kids researchers, our workshops see topics in science, health and research brought to life through fun games, exciting experiments, and hands-on activities.

Our special The Kids Discovery Centre x Scitech workshops run for 1 hour and and costs $20 per child, including access to Scitech ($15 for Scitech members). There are sessions suitable for junior scientists of various ages. Meet our researchers and ignite the love of science by booking one, or more, tickets to our workshops below!

Be the first to know when school holiday workshops are released in the future by signing up to our Discovery Club mailing list.

Date: Tuesday 12th April to Thursday 21st April 2022
Location: Scitech, City West Centre, Corner Railway Street & Sutherland Street, West Perth WA 6005

April 22 School Holiday Workshops - Poo and You

Poo and You! *SOLD OUT*

Have you ever wondered how the food we eat travel through our bodies and give us the energy we need? Learn about the different organs that make up our digestive system in this fun and messy workshop where you’ll get to track the journey from food to poo with the help of our gut microbiome researchers. It’s a rather sticky and gross process, but lots of practical fun! This is one of our most popular workshops and tickets often sell out quickly, so secure your spots early.

Suitable for children aged 5 – 9 years old.

Dates: Tuesday 12th April 10.30 - 11.30am | Wednesday 20th April 10.30 - 11.30am

Brainy Circuits Banner

Brainy Circuits *SOLD OUT*

Ouch! You just touched a hot pan, but how did you know your finger was hot? Learn about the information highway that controls everything you do in this practical workshop about the brain and the nervous system. Create a simple circuit using playdough to investigate how electrical impulses travel through a neuron. This workshop will be delivered by researchers from our Brain Cancer team.

Suitable for children aged 9 – 12 years old.

Date: Tuesday 12th April 1.00 - 2.00pm

Power of Our Lungs Banner

Power of Our Lungs *SOLD OUT*

Our lungs do a lot of amazing things for our bodies, including allowing us to breathe. In this workshop, you will get to build and take home your very own lung model to learn about how our lungs work. You’ll also get to make some gooey slime to investigate how scientists are trying to stop slime from damaging the lungs of kids with chronic respiratory illnesses.

Suitable for ages 5 - 9 years old.

Dates: Wednesday 13th April 10.30 - 11.30am | Thursday 21st April 10.30 - 11.30am

What's in Your Blood Banner

What's in Your Blood?

Learn about the composition of blood and the different roles each part plays by creating blood which you can take home. There’s no need to be squeamish, as we’ll be creating our blood sample using edible ingredients. Then take your learning to the next level and think like a scientist through a hands-on investigation where you’ll get to explore different blood types and their compatibility. Don’t worry - no animals or humans have been harmed in the making of this workshop!

Suitable for children aged 9-12 years old.

Dates: Wednesday 13th April 1.00 - 2.00pm | Thursday 21st April 1.00 - 2.00pm

Fight or Flight banner

Fight or Flight *SOLD OUT*

What is the flight or fight response and how is it triggered? Our researchers from the Mental Health team will guide you to explore the inner workings of our brains in this insightful workshop on brain and behaviour. Create a brain cap to learn about the different areas of the brain and what they do. Explore strategies for controlling responses triggered by the amygdala, such as blowing on a pinwheel.

Suitable for children aged 9 – 12 years old.

Date: Wednesday 20th April 1.00 - 2.00pm

Download our workshop Terms & Conditions.